Jumping on the Skills Bandwagon with John Baldino of Humareso

Jumping on the Skills Bandwagon with John Baldino of Humareso

John Baldino, President of Humareso, talks with Mark Feffer on this episode of PEOPLETECH about building stronger HR software, and how the skills trend seems to be all talk and no action.

One way HR tech platforms are failing is by having a weak dashboard. This part of the application should provide an optimized "at a glance" view of critical data points and tasks that require action. However, it seems as if most of these platforms are designed around HR compliance, data, and metrics...yet that shouldn't be their approach. It's unfortunate that these platforms are used by employees, HR, and also finance. That typically forces designers to choose who to build the platform for, so it's always going to be a losing scenario for someone.

There are some hot buzzwords that are floating around in the industry lately, particularly skills, and up-skilling. While a focus on skills and its development is a noble pursuit, it's quite possible that a lot of these organizations are just blowing smoke. Everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon on this topic without actually making any improvements to the skills development aspects of their platforms.

We would like to extend a warm thank you to our friends at Fuel50 for sponsoring this podcast.

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