Technology Failures with Jason Lauritsen of Cultivayo. Brought to You by Fuel50!

Technology Failures with Jason Lauritsen of Cultivayo. Brought to You by Fuel50!

Live at the HR tech 2022 conference, our guest Jason Lauritsen CEO of Cultivayo sits down with Mark Feffer to talk about making the work experience more human. Fuel50 and WorkHuman have picked up the torch on this, and the rest of the industry seems to be trending in this direction. Technology solutions sometimes gets in the way of providing the genuine experience a lot of candidates are looking for.

A lot of companies will blame the technology they purchased for their own failures. If we aren't clear on what problems need to be solved, often times you end up pointing the finger in the wrong direction. New tools without the appropriate support can sometimes make things worse. It's the common issue of using a wrench to hammer in a nail, or being given a table saw without any instructions and then wondering why you only have 9 fingers.

Skills seem to be a driving force of this conference, but is this a hot topic or a relabeling of the same conversation? Skill definitions helps managers and leaders find the gaps in their workforce, and hopefully this dialogue actually pushes the industry forward. Learning has become quite the issue lately as technology platforms get so robust. Often times we're looking for a solution to a business problem, but it's buried in a package of other skillsets that you need just to do what you want.

We would like to extend a warm thank you to our friends at Fuel50 for sponsoring this podcast!

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