Retaining Human Interaction in HR with Jackye Clayton of Textio

Retaining Human Interaction in HR with Jackye Clayton of Textio

Jackye Clayton (VP of TA and DE&I) at Textio talks with Mark Feffer about employee engagement tools, culture fits, customizable solution to employee solutions, and whether we have leaned too far into technology in the HR space.

People get so hyper focused on their deliverables that they seem to forget that humans are behind it all. Employee engagement tools seem to be a way to bring a human element back into HR. We have to make sure we're taking care of our employees to give them the opportunity for them to be their authentic selves.

Human resources traditionally helped to protect the company and to ensure compliance, yet nowadays it feels like it's actually becoming what the title suggests. We have tools to clock into work on our phones, conveniently request time off, or discuss important issues through an online portal instead of the anxiety of addressing another human. These technologies have both benefits and issues, though. Removing all of these vectors of human interactions could make an employee feel as if the company is not a set of people, but a structured platform of programs. It's important to balance carefully between technological advancement while also retaining the human element.

We would like to extend a warm thank you to our friends at Fuel50 for sponsoring this podcast.

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