Our Robot Overlords with Chad Sowash and Joel Cheesman of Chad and Cheese. Brought to You by Fuel50!

Our Robot Overlords with Chad Sowash and Joel Cheesman of Chad and Cheese. Brought to You by Fuel50!

Live at the HR tech 2022 conference, our guests Chad Sowash and Joel Cheesman of Chad and Cheese riff with Mark Feffer about up-skilling, robots of the future, and communicating with younger applicants.

Chad thinks that these HCM systems and companies are so big and bloated that they're sort of broken, yet some of the smaller companies don't have the baggage of living in the past. He is hopeful that these newer organizations will help change the industry.

Joel, however, is a bit "old and grizzled," and doesn't get very excited over the newer startups in the scene. He's seen plenty of these smaller organizations rise and fall in the past, and has little faith in the small dogs. Joel is also ready to bow down to their robot overlords, and is awaiting the day when his lunch will be delivered by a pair of steel hands.

Ninety percent of candidates eject from their application simply due to the cumbersome nature of the process. Can we work toward flipping that number so that we can actually get a decent pool of candidates? The hiring process sucks right now, especially for the younger generation. They don't check email, so what other communication methods can we use to stay in touch?

We would like to extend a warm thank you to our friends at Fuel50 for sponsoring this podcast!

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