A Commitment to Learning with Robin Schooling. Brought to You by Fuel50!

A Commitment to Learning with Robin Schooling. Brought to You by Fuel50!

Live at the HR tech 2022 conference, our guest Robin Schooling (VP of Growth and Innovation at Cielo) speaks with Mark Feffer about rethinking compensation for up-skilled employees, and how to transition your organization into a learning oriented environment.

We're bringing everything back to our roots at this HR Tech conference. Companies are reenforcing their core offerings, and it seems sticking to what they're good at is the best way to shine. Products and organizations are trying to stay their course and make sure they're the best product for a specific goal, instead of trying to be the "all in one" solution that does everything in mediocre fashion.

Buy, Build, or Borrow...the age old question.

Borrowing skills will never go away, because it's always going to be the most efficient and quick way to solve a unique problem you'll only encounter a few times. Buying skills is difficult, as talent is scarce nowadays. Growing skills might just be the best solution in today's market. Who would have thought that growth platforms and LMS's have become a reasonable alternative to hiring platforms?

The only issue is having to rethink titling and compensation for these up-skilled workers. Most companies want to grow their employees from within, but that comes with the added challenge of letting these blossoming employees shine in the manner that they deserve. Internal growth comes with more financial overhead than just the training process; you need to be comfortable with compensating these individuals more for their newly acquired skillset.

Getting to a point where learning is acknowledged as an important organizational goal takes a lot of restructuring. Business leaders, upper management, and the company culture all need to be on the same page so that identifying internal growth opportunities is seamless enough to even attempt it. Propping up your employees is no easy task if you never have done it before, but with the right effort and mindset any organization that puts in the effort can get there.

We would like to extend a warm thank you to our friends at Fuel50 for sponsoring this podcast!

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